
2014 FIDIC - MDB Conference: Presentations given at the conference are now available to download
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Presentations given at the conference are now available to download:
Presentations Day1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xd6z7e2v85aljky/FIDIC_MDBconference_Day1Presentation_2Jun2014.zip
Presentations Day 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bquq924a93iu4f5/FIDIC_MDBconference_Day2Presentation_3Jun2014.zip
In May 2005, FIDIC agreed on a special MDB Harmonised Major Works Contract General Conditions comprising the General Conditions of an MDB Harmonised Edition of the FIDIC Construction Contract. This special contract was licensed by FIDIC for the MDBs, to be used for MDB-financed projects. It was released by FIDIC in March 2006. To further disseminate standardisation and best practice, the aforementioned Participating Banks entered into a licence agreement for the MDB Harmonised General Conditions.
A year later the Banks further agreed that other funding agencies should also be able to use the MDB Harmonised Contract under licence for their projects. Development Agencies for Australia, France, Korea and Japan have now entered into licence agreements with FIDIC. Dispute Adjudication Boards that were introduced in the FIDIC contract became the construction industry’s preferred dispute resolution mechanism.
The world’s infrastructure has been struggling for a number of years under the weight of global financial uncertainties and political intransigence. However, the direct link between healthy economies and good infrastructure is not in question. The global investment in infrastructure continues at a high level, despite reduced economic growth in certain countries.
Infrastructure investment has become increasingly global as new and more complex funding solutions are explored and become available. The construction industry is also becoming more global, reflecting the shifting market demands, a stronger focus on export activities, and the need to match limited resources with specific demands. Delivery options therefore continue to evolve.
In such an uncertain market, the key players look to reduce risk by adopting and supporting international standards. These include good procurement practices and standard bidding documents.
Both are undergoing significant change and will be explored during this unique conference.
For several years the major international financial institutions have been collaborating closely in order to harmonise as far as possible their procurement policies and practices. Recent reviews however, especially within the World Bank, have questioned the effectiveness of current development strategies in the face of changing market conditions and borrower expectations.
Comprehensive consultations confirm that new approaches need to be explored, both in terms of the Banks’ strategic goals and objectives; and the needs of borrowing countries in terms of enhancing their own procurement capabilities; the industry’s ability to supply necessary advice on, and delivery of infrastructure; and the need to acknowledge expectations of society in terms of integrity and sustainability.
In order that the MDB Harmonized Major Works (Construction) Contract continues to serve as one of the main vehicles for ensuring environmentally and socially responsible procurement, this conference will develop on a variety of topics with challenges both nationally and internationally, including real case studies voiced by users’ experiences globally.
Programme coordinated by:
Building Workers International (BWI)
Confederation of International Contractors' Associations (CICA)
European International Contractors (EIC)
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
European Federation of Engineering Consultancy Associations (EFCA)
In association with the Multi-lateral Development Banks and other participating institutions:
World Bank
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB)
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB),
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
Council of Europe Bank (CEB), European Investment Bank (EIB)
Registration, please contact
Eivor Chollet, Event Manager
FIDIC, International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Box, 311, CH-1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 22 799 49 00
[email protected]
Programme, please contact:
Enrico Vink, Managing Director
International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Box, 311, CH-1215 Geneva 15, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 22 799 49 00
[email protected]