
Sustainable infrastructure investment needs and challenges: ‘Partnership with purpose’ - working with the international financial institutions
This webinar, organised by the FIDIC International Financial Institutions Committee, will look at how FIDIC, its member associations, stakeholders and the various international financial institutions and the private sector can work better together and develop a more effective partnership (a ‘Partnership with purpose’) to tackle the need for sustainable investments in global infrastructure. The webinar will examine key themes like the funding of Infrastructure, better (total benefit) infrastructure solutions, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, financing modalities and effective delivery through transparency and contract standardisation.
The webinar will also discuss how the engineering community can partner with the IFIs to bridge the infrastructure gap, how FIDIC and the work of its IFI committee can help to better understand and build this bridge and look at the key next steps in developing a really effective partnership between FIDIC, its members and the IFIs.
Attendees from around the globe at this webinar will be able to hear from expert speakers who will address the above in the context of where the industry and the world finds itself now as we slowly move into meeting these challenging global demands.
Some of the key questions to consider include:-
•How to attract alternate form of financing to global infrastructure need?
•How can the engineering community partner with the IFIs to bridge the infrastructure gap?
•How can green infrastructure enable sustainable development and be beneficial to investors?
•How can contracts be standardised to facilitate transparency and better project outcomes?
Crucially, the webinar will enable learnings from previous case studies, address how, through building a ‘Partnership with purpose’, FIDIC, its member associations and the IFIs can work better together to leave a lasting legacy of sustainable world-class efficient infrastructure that can transform the lives of global citizens.
Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE, CEO, FIDIC, Switzerland
Anthony Barry, President, FIDIC, Australia
Rajat Nag, Distinguished Fellow, National Council of Applied Economic Research, India
Yumiko Noda, Chairman and Representative Director, Veolia Japan,
Nazir Alli, Resident Advisor, Syneru, South Africa
Dr Bindu Lohani, Distinguished Fellow, Emerging Market Forum, United States of America
Jerome Haegeli, Group Chief Economist, Swiss Re, Switzerland
Manish Kothari, Chair, FIDIC International Financial Institutions Committee, United States of America
FIDIC Secretariat: [email protected]