DNS Advisory Council (DNSAC)


The purpose of the Directors and Secretaries Advisory Council (DNSAC) is:

  • Provide insight to the Board on policy matters and industry trends
  • Provide input to assist FIDIC to achieve operational excellence
  •  Facilitate collaboration, share information and promote development of Member Associations’ (MAs) capacity and capabilityAdvise the Board and the Secretariat on how to better support MA capacity building
  • Create D&S working committees as required to fulfil charter
  • Liaise between Board and D&S
  • Facilitate introductions to MA member firms to support FIDIC initiatives
  • Update D&S on Board issues and solicit feedback as required
  •  Make agenda recommendations for annual D&S meeting

The DNSAC is a vital conduit between FIDIC and its primary stakeholders - our member associations - and over the past year has been particularly helpful with our efforts to revise our statutes and bylaws, address diversity, improve our annual conference and with many other critical activities. 


D&S Meeting Marrakech 2016

  • MA participation on FIDIC Board explored
  • Draft Corporate Governance Framework presented

Governance survey 2017

  • Not enough support for change to Board membership

Directors & Secretaries (DNS) Meeting at FIDIC Jakarta 2017 conference

    • D&S Advisory Council charter proposed and accepted
    • Inaugural D&S Advisory Council selected

 DNS Meeting at FIDIC Berlin 2018 conference

  • Amendment/update to D&S Advisory Council charter proposed and accepted


DNSAC Terms of Reference available to download on the link below.


Responsible FIDIC Board Members

Alfredo Ingletti

Primary responsibility 


Martina Hess

Secondary responsibility 




Helen Davidson

New Zealand


Helena Soimakallio

Finland (Vice Chair)

Chris Campbell 

South Africa (Immediate Past Chair)


John Gamble


Chituwa Sinkala



Yoshi Yamashita



Mario Marti



Jonathan Cartledge



Linda Darr